Awards to help defray some of the travel expenses for institutional teams are available and must be applied for when your team registers. Awards of up to $2,000 (or 75% of travel costs, whichever is less) will be made to support the travel of up to four members of an institutional team. Travel expenses include transportation to and from the meeting (automobile travel set at $0.45/mile), lodging (a list of nearby hotels and their rates appears under each symposium link), and meals (a per diem rate of $54, except for Saturday ($25 per diem) when the symposium provides breakfast and lunch).
Applications are due on or before September 1, 2006 and are included at the end of the registration form. Top priority will be given to those who apply by the September 1 deadline; requests for travel awards received after September 1 will be considered only if travel-award funds remain. Travel awards for the symposium at UW will be announced by September 15, 2006.